Sunday, December 2, 2012

Confidence of a Ballerina

Hi! I am back! I will make a separate post for the new notebook; but today, I will be posting a blog post that I have written on my old blog, which is about "Confidence", today.

Here it is:

When I was three, I wanted to do ballet so badly. I even pretended I was a ballerina and danced in my school. My classmates think I was a ballerina. But the truth was I was only copying the ballet plays I've watched. At the age of seven, my parents enrolled me in ballet for summer workshop. I was so happy for a dream come true!! I still remembered my teacher who was teacher Noemi. Usually she will talk to someone and there we are freezing in an awkward position which is really tiring. But at that time I didn't attend my ballet recital. We cannot afford the payment for the recital already. 

Three years passed when I started attending ballet classes again. I feel shy that I was not flexible enough in our ballet classes. I always had the feeling that everyone is looking down on me and I loose my confidence. There was a time when we were preparing for the recital (which was my first recital by the way…) I memorized the step but that imaginary feeling have overcome me. When my teacher noticed this, she corrected the class that we should cheer up each and everyone while practicing. At that time I felt relief, but as I continued ballet I feel self pity on myself whenever I make a wrong move which was wrong.

Last Thursday was open house which means people may watch our class. My mom went and watches me on that day. While doing ballet at that time, all I notice of myself was my mistakes and errors. So the imaginary feeling overcame me again this time. I was very frustrated in my mistakes that all I think of is that I am wrong. After ballet my mom talked to me and was very happy. She said that I was graceful and that she was almost into tears when she watching me. But I feel like I wasn't listening at all. I was thinking that I am wrong, wrong, WRONG! I started crying for over self pity on myself. Mom was then asking me why are you sad about it? She was encouraging me but I took no notice in it. Mom said that if I am going to continue to be like this then its better for us to go home and let me cry. I feel like nothing inside when my mom was correcting me. Inside of me I was forcing myself to believe her, but I cannot. When we were about to go, that was when I hugged my mom tightly even though I do not know why I wanted to hug her badly.

Today my mom confronted me and said to trust her at all times. My mom was my best friend that will never leave me even when school year ends. I whenever I want to talk to someone she’s always there and I always pour my feelings to her. She give me advises that help me get strength. From that time on I began to persevere to get the confidence I need for dancing. I am also encouraged to correct my mistakes instead of keeping the self pities in me and the imaginary feeling which is very awful. From this day on I Riona learned this lesson and will keep it in her mind and heart.

 I wrote this when I was 12 years old on June 5,2011 that's all for now folks! ^-^

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