Monday, November 26, 2012

Invincible Louisa by Cornelia Meigs

Title: Invincible Louisa

Author: Cornelia Meigs

 Learn the story behind the story of the author of the classic story, Little Women. Be with her to the ups and downs of her life as she earns her name "Invincible Louisa".

Summary: The story starts on Louisa's birthplace; Germantown, Philadelphia; on a cold November day. The story begins as Louisa grows as a toddler until she died at age 55 on March 6, 1888. Read the story to know where the characters from her book came from and from where did Little Women came. Learn if there really is a Laurie in Louisa's life. You will know this when you read Invincible Louisa by Cornelia Meigs.

My Comments:

What I like about the book: First off all, I love Louisa! She resembles a lot of my character and hobbies. I just love to know how her story is a book itself! i also love the tests and trials that she faced which are written in the book.

What I don't like about the book: I think I would love to know more on what happened to her sisters after, *spoiler*, she died.

My Suggestion: I think this book should be advertise along with the "
Little Women" book.

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