Monday, March 25, 2013

My Kitten: Bulak

Ohohoho! I'd like to introduce to you my "our" pet kitten, Bulak! Why did we name him Bulak, you ask? Because his first is white and cotton-ish so we named him "Bulak", the Filipino/Tagalog word for "cotton" He is is almost two months here, but right now he is turning 7 mos. on April 11!

This kitten has a really somehow you can say "tearful" out for his story on my next posts!
Bulak you're sooo cute! ^_^

                                                                Sleep tight Bulak!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Miniature Moss Plate Garden

I’m back! Sorry, I forgot to continue the CHRIST-mas article series, but anyways I am posting some creative ideas today…
I borrowed a book called “366 Things To Do” from my Bestie friend Dani,(Will be posting about my friends moreJ). I did a craft there that I really liked;it was a “Plate Garden”. 

Materials needed:
·       A plate (Of course...)
·       Dried or fresh moss for grass
·       Soil for dirt
·       Gravel and sand for path
·       Some small flowers, leaves, stones and plants
·       Sticks(optional)

I grabbed two younger cousins to do this with me. So we first scrapped some moss with our hands and sticks (Eww…) and placed them in the
Bilao to dry them up, (Do this first to give the mosses some time to dry). Then you place the soil/dirt ¾ on the plate and give the ¼ space for the path. We also gathered some small flowers, leaves, and stones and placed them on the dirt side of the plate along with the dried mosses. I also got some sticks, tied them with my yarn, and place a small, creeping weed plant to make it look like a vine that was growing (probably Grapes or Ampalaya). Finally, we dug some gravel and sand for the path. 

As you can see this is the place where we scrapped the moss...Eww!

Then when the moss was already dried, we started making our plate garden along with some gravel and sand first of course...

This is my plate...

This is my girl cousin's plate....(forgot to picture the other plate of my boy cousin...-_- soweee...)
Ta Da! We now have our own miniature garden…in a plate!

Hope you can try them too and have fun! ^_^

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mind Mapping

Have you ever tried Mind Mapping? Well I did, and it is really useful and creative especially when you get the hang of it. Mind mapping is a great way to map out the things you are thinking to keep them from clattering. I used Mind mapping in many different ways. If you are a visual learner, then this is a great activity for you if not, it will still be a fun activity for you!

I use map minding in making book reports, questions, portfolios, outline, and my New Year resolution. I knew Mind Mapping before, but I just started using this very recently and I am totally already----um… you know what I meanJ

Here are some of my not-yet-colored mind maps:

 It's really easy and fun! Make your book reports, outlines, research papers creative!^_^